Teaching offer

Teaching method

Teaching method

The educational project of the school develops in an integrated and coordinated context from kindergarten to primary to the lower secondary school in order to offer students a path of progressive growth, that stems from the student’s individual skills and his/her potential, and that respects and supports individual learning pace and style.

The aim of Saint Denis Middle School  is to guide our pre-adolescent students, at an age of rapid psycho-physical transformation, of evolution of character and intellectual energy, to make their choices in a personal and responsible way.

It is therefore intended to guide the students develop the following areas:

  • Psycho-Physical Training: becoming aware of oneself to enhance one's human resources by maturing a balanced and harmonious personality.
  • Affective-Volitional Training: acquire a correct vision of affective dynamics to establish deep interpersonal relationships and develop a positive sense of duty.
  • Social Education: establish positive social relationships, develop a lifestyle that is open to others and respectful of people and the environment, develop a sense of belonging to the small community (class-family-group) through loyalty to one's own commitments and having the necessary tools to evaluate oneself and others, in the light of the values ​​that inspire civil coexistence.
  • Intellectual training: learn the basic cognitive processes in order to acquire adequate skills, express their experience and formulate critical judgments; knowing how to observe, analyze, synthesize correctly the data and relationships of human, natural and cultural phenomena; have adequate skills in basic training; knowing how to reconstruct knowledge by making comparisons and expressing motivated personal assessments.


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